Nestled in the foothills of the majestic Table Top Range
lies the heart and soul of OSO Arabians.
Our beautiful 4,000 acre Australian stud farm - situated just off the Hume Highway 20 mins North of central Albury, New South Wales - with wonderfully undulating hill country that is littered with shady gum trees and dams as well as a farm and the homestead, is a magnificent estate that comprises 4 properties - Kelkette Park, Longerenong, Sunrise Park and Eastgate - that together combine to make OSO Arabians Stud and Mintor Cattle farm.
Located in the foothills of the Table Top range, whilst practically laid out for the safety of our broodmares, foals, stallions, and cattle, with strategically fenced paddocks, make the workability of the farm extremely practical. We strive to keep our farm as natural as possible to protect the vegetation and native flora and fauna, ensuring our livestock has the opportunity to grow, develop and thrive both mentally and physically, in this beautifully natural environment.
All our mares run together as a large family herd and, this continues on with all the different age groups and sexes. Our stallions are content in their own large paddocks with views of the other horses.
Our cattle equally benefit from the same formula, raising their young from the clover paddocks to the foothills, to raising our weaners on the rolling hills of our Eastgate property.
OSO is a true utopia for our livestock to breed and raise their young.
Here at OSO, we pride ourselves on providing the very best care and attention that our horses could possibly need.
In 2017, we designed our new Breeding Barn which was then professionally built, to allow us to provide this high level of care for our horses and any visiting mares.
Much as we fondly call it the 'Breeding Barn’, it has multiple uses from breeding, to foaling, to the weaning process, hospital and recovery-safe quarantine stable and, performance show horse preparation.
Our emphasis on the build was to be able to give our stud and performance animals personalised care and attention and, our excellent facilities provide the best possible environment for raising Arabians of the highest quality.
All of our stallions have their own 10 acre paddock adjacent to each other in the heart of the farm, with views of the pastures and the various OSO herds. This keeps them mentally and physically happy and, living as natural a life as possible.
Facilities and Services:
12 Large safe ergonomically designed stables – 6 incorporating safe covered outside yards
Stables all fitted with “Comfortstall” flooring system
Indoor vermin-proof feed room
16 safe well fenced day paddocks close to the barn
Safe wood bark indoor handling area
Double Crush for scanning and vet work
Safe collection facilities including phantom and teasing area
Ability to collect, AI and ET
Basic veterinary hospital with laboratory facilities.
Through breeding season resident veterinary care.
Team of experienced and dedicated staff offering round the clock care.
Quarantine and isolation facilities.
Proximity to Charles Sturt University Veterinary Hospital
Expert sales preparation and presentation for the major Australian shows
On-call Master Farrier, Equine Dentist, Osteopath
Experienced pedigree and sales advice.
Over the past 12 years, the Performance Barn has been gradually been adapted to cater to our ever-growing Endurance and Ridden Show team.
The original barn from the days of Kelkette Park is still very much the central hub for the ridden operation offering a light and bright indoor working area.
The layout is set out perfectly to ensure our equine athletes have everything to hand. Even though it is a professional busy barn that is a hive of life throughout the working day we like to think it is also a relaxed environment for our horses to alleviate any stress. Our horses all live out in their individual safe paddocks to reduce the risk of injury but at the same time, they are close to other horses. During the day they have their own stable to rest in keeping them at hand through the day.
Every year we like to feel we improve on this space looking to the newest and most innovative ideas to help with training and the well being of both horse and human.
A stunning farm office was built a few years ago which acts as our administration and meeting place and often offers the perfect space for outside speakers to come and educate the team. To house the multitude of trophies, garlands and ribbons our horses have won across the globe we decided to build beautiful red gum cabinets. This we felt was the perfect way to recognise and show off with pride these awards our horses claimed.
Facilities and Services:
16 Large safe stables
Stables all fitted with “Comfortstall” flooring system
Indoor vermin-proof feed room
17 safe well-fenced paddocks close to the barn
Safe wood bark indoor handling area
Large damp-free tack/rug room
6 & 8 Horse Irongate walkers
60m x 20m Sand Dressage Arena
6 safe wash bays with hot water wash and shade cloth
30 metre non slip exposed aggregate 'trot up' lane
“Haygain” steamer
Indoor Equine Scales
Non-slip rubber coated floors
Safe float/truck loading area
Staff air-conditioned “Smoko” room
On-farm all-terrain training tracks
Office and meeting room.
Team of experienced and dedicated staff offering round the clock care
Close proximity to Charles Sturt University Veterinary Hospital
On-call Master Farrier, Equine Dentist, Osteopath
Experienced training and sales advice.
Our beautiful 4,000 acre stud farm, is situated in the heart of New South Wales' Riverina - just 20 mins North of the centre of Albury NSW Australia.